Freedom with Debt Relief Solutions

Choose to be free of debt! Do your research and consider all of your options carefully before making any big financial decisions.

What We Do

Our Senior Financial Consultants are available to provide assistance

Debt Resolution

Debt Relief Solutions

Financial Tips

How We Work


Debt Resolution

Send us an idea of how much debt you owe and we will provide you with debt relief options.


Let's Talk

We are here to answer any questions you may have about your debt and to discuss the various options available to you. Let's talk!


Appy for a Debt Plan

Once we've determined the optimal plan for you, we'll assist you in submitting the application, review your qualified debts and enroll you in the program.


We'll Negotiate Your Debt

After approval, a negotiator will be asigned to your account and will work hard to negotiate settlements on all of your enrolled debts. Typically, settlements are negotiated between 55% - 65% of the original balance.


Live Debt Free

You'll no longer have to worry about debt, and the burden it placed on you. Now you can focus on achieving your goals and enjoying life to the fullest.


Let's Get Started!

Let's Talk!

After you have submitted your request, you will be contacted by one of our Senior Financial Consultants.

Our benefits

Discover the Benefits of Our Services!

Put debt in the past and start looking to the future. DebtXd can help you get out of debt without filing for bankruptcy, so you can get back on your feet and pay off your debts quickly.

Credit Cards

Collections and Repossessions

Personal Loans and Lines of Credit

Business Debts

Medical Bills

Private Student Loans

Let’s talk

Reduce Your Debt, Smarter and Faster

At our firm, our experienced Senior Financial consultants provide customized solutions to maximize your savings and guide you toward a brighter future. We understand that every financial situation is unique, and we are committed to tailoring our services to meet your individual needs.

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